

American Lawyers, Attorneys, and Judges

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 This Biofile list features those individuals who work in the American Legal System.

Eventually, all the names on this list will be linked to a separate Biofile of their own.



Michael Fortier: A friend of McVeigh and Nichols who was convicted of knowing of the bombing plot, but failed to report it. Met McVeigh and Nichols in the army.



Lori Fortier: Michael Fortier's wife.



Terry Nichols: Convictd co-conspirator in the Oklahoma City Bombing plot. Sentended to life in federal prison. The state of Oklahoma has charged him wiht 160 counts of murder, and could seek the death penalty if he is convicted. Met McVeigh and Fortier in the army.



Marife Nichols: Terry Nichols' wife.



James Nichols: Terry Nichols' brother, who was arrested, but no charges were filed.

Although initially arrested by FBI, not believed to have been involved in bombing. No charges filed against him.


Amber McLaughlin

Bob Wyatt

Rob Nigh

James Hankins

Scott Anderson


Stephen Jones: Lead attorney


Bob Miller aka Robert Moore:

Moore is real name. Miller is name used at gun shows. Former acquaintance of McVeigh's who was later robbed of thousands of dollars of guns, gold and silver. Nichols implicated in robbery. McVeigh was involved in planning stages, but claims he didn't participate.






Please cite this source when appropriate:

Lee, R. "The History Guy: Biofiles: American Lawyers, Attorneys, and Judges"


Copyright © 1998-2005 Roger A. Lee; Last Modified: 04.16.05

"The History Guy" is a Registered Trademark.