Guinea-Bissau Coup Attempt (Nov. 20-Nov. 30, 2000)

Guinea-Bissau Coup Attempt (Nov. 20-Nov. 30, 2000)


In a short but violent epilogue to the bloody Guinea-Bissau Civil War and subsequent intervention by neighboring Senegal and Guinea, General Ansumane Mane led an unsuccessful coup in an apparent attempt to seize power once again. General Mane triggered the previous civil war in 1998 and successfully overthrew the reigning president in May of 1999. Mane then gave up power, seemingly having won his point by eliminating the former president. Since that time, democratic elections were held in January 2000 and new President Kumba Yala took office.

Yala appointed top military officials from his own ethnic group, the Balanta, which led to a loss of power for General Mane. On November 20, 2000, Mane unilaterally appointed himself head of the military, triggering combat between his followers and troops loyal to the government.


Following heavy fighting in the capital, Mane and some supporters fled. On Nov. 30, a government unit of about fifty men surrounded Mane and his troops near the town of Quinhamel, some 20 miles north of Bissau. After a short firefight, Mane and at least eight of his men were killed. His subsequent funeral drew many civilian supporters and led to speculation that he is now taking on aspects of a martyr against President Yala’s regime.


In the following years, more strife came to Guinea-Bissau, with a coup attempt in 2001, and a successful coup in 2003. Army mutinies in 2004, 2008, 2010, and 2011.  The President was assassinated in 2009.


A successful coup occurred in 2012.  A democratic election in 2020 ended the rule of the old revolutionary party, and installed a new president.



BBC: Rebels on the Run–News article from Nov. 23, 2000


BBC Analysis: What Next for Guinea-Bissau?–Analysis from the BBC on Dec. 1, 2000 The Elusive Search for Peace–News analysis from Dec. 11, 2000


Guinea-Bissau Timeline-BBC


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