Trump’s Deranged Decisions on Syria Troop Pullout Engangers America


President Trump’s recent, and very uninformed decisions to pull American troops from Syria and to halve the number of troops in Afghanistan puts America and our allies at risk. In short, Trump’s bad decisions endanger America and put American citizens at greater risk.


Donald Trump either is grossly misinformed, or blatantly lying when he said that ISIS in Syria has been defeated. Numerous respected and informed sources point out that ISIS, though weakened, is still active in both Syria and in Iraq.


Also, given the ongoing investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia and to Russia’s anti-democratic leader, Vladimir Putin, it must be pointed out (again) that Trump’s premature pullout from Syria, benefits Russian foreign policy and in fact solidifies the Russian intervention in that country. The alliance that Russia and its puppet regime in Damascus have with Iran and the terrorist group Hezbollah benefits from Trump’s erratic decisions. Defense Secretary Mattis, one of the few members of the current administration who was seen by the public and our allies as actually knowing what he was doing, resigned in protest. He was not in good conscience able to continue serving a president whose decision-making process endangers American and her necessary alliances


Why would Trump make such a rash decision? Some theorize that outside actors, such as Russia’s Putin or Turkey’s Erdogan, have dirt on Trump. Given the fact that it is already known that Trump is a serial philanderer, tax cheat, and failed businessman, what could be so bad that he could possibly be blackmailed?


Another possibility is that Trump is actually mentally deranged; perhaps in the early stages of some form of dementia? If so, even the Republican majority in the Senate must realize they must take action to protect America’s security from this madman. To assume Trump is merely “Being Trump,” whatever that means, or that he is just uninformed (read: stupid), is burying the head in the proverbial sand. When the last “responsible adult in the room” resigns in protest over a rash decision to abandon a front in the still-important war on terror, then it is time for America to begin the legal and political processes to remove Trump from office.


The safety of our country is too vital to wait until the 2020 election. It may be too late if we wait. Trump must be removed either through impeachment or the invocation of the 25th Amendment. So Say We All.


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