
Economic/Mortgage Crisis Bailout (2008)

Automobile Industry Bailout


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Copyright © 1998-2009 Roger A. Lee and History Guy Media; Last Modified: 07.15.09

 As the economic crisis in the United States and throughout the world deepened after the U.S. presidential election in 2008, the initial willingness of Congress and the White House (under Bush), to bailout the financial industry with the $700 Billion TARP program, led many in other affected industries to also seek out financial aid to avoid financial ruin and bankruptcy. The Unites States automobile industry, specificially the "Big Three" of General Motors, Ford, and Chevrolet, to plead their case to Congress for a part of the bailout money.


Links and Resources on the Auto Industry Bailout proposals and details:


Detroit Automakers Await Deal on Auto Loans: US automakers discuss aid for troubled auto industry with Bush administration--ABC News, Dec. 15, 2008

Tough line on auto bailout may extend to other industries--Christian Science Monitor, Dec. 14, 2008

After bailout failure, who are the top ‘car czar’ candidates?--Michigan Messenger, Dec. 14, 2008

Auto bailout's death seen as a Republican blow at unions - LA Times, Dec. 13, 2008

Cheney: It's 'Herbert Hoover' time--Politico, Dec. 12, 2008

$14B auto bailout dies in Senate - Yahoo! News, Dec. 12, 2008

White House may tap Wall Street fund for autos - Autos- msnbc.com, Dec. 12, 2008

U.A.W. Makes Concessions--AARP Bulletin, Dec. 4, 2008

Auto bailout debate: What's at stake - CNN--Nov. 17, 2008

Political Biofiles -Biography pages of American politicians and officeholders.

Presidents of the United States--A listing of American Presidents, with links to biographical information.--New

President Gerald R. Ford--the 38th President of the United States--*Updated*

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Barack Obama*New*-

Dennis Kucinich*New*-

Congressman Dave Reichert (R-WA-8th)

Former-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX-22nd)

Congressional Candidate Darcy Burner (D-WA-8th)

Congressional Candidate Alex Alben (D-WA-8th)

Congressional Candidate Dave Ross (D-WA-8th)

County Councilman Shawn Bunney (R-1st District)

Maria Shriver--Former award-winning television journalist, best-selling author, current First Lady of California, niece to President John F. Kennedy, and daughter of Vice-Presidential candidate Sargent Shriver.

L. Paul Bremer--American diplomat who served as head of the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq from 2003 to 2004.

Thomas Nast-American political cartoonist.

Lorenzo de Zavala--First Vice-President of the Republic of Texas.

William Howard Taft-President of the United States and later Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

John D. Negroponte--American diplomat chosen to serve as the first National Intelligence Director.

Dr. Benjamin Rush-- Signer of the Declaration of Independence, member of the Constitutional Convention, noted physician and ardent supporter for the abolition of slavery.